
Battlefield 4 ‘Death Shield’ Bug Discovered

That’s right folks, Battlefield 4 is suffering from yet another game breaking bug. Prolific Battlefield 4 Youtuber ‘Jack Frags’ who recently brought us the Megalodon discovery. Has discovered yet another bug to add the seemingly unending tide of issues plaguing EA’s headline multiplayer shooter. Although it may have initially been…


LEGO The Hobbit – As We Play

As We Play offers the thought strands of the reviewer as they’re going through the game. This offers unique content for the reader so they can come to understand the conflicting feelings of the reviewer as they’re playing a game for the very first time. All feedback on this concept is welcome….


Titanfall Expedition DLC releases in May

The first details of the first Titanfall DLC pack have come to light at PAX East. Titanfall Expedition DLC releases in May. The pack will introduce three brand new maps to the game: Runoff, Swamplands and Wargames. Swamplands, in particular, supports the game’s free-running option, allowing them to jump between…

Content Update

Hegemony Rome gets final campaign chapter

A major new update for Hegemony Rome has released, including a brand new chapter for Early Access owners. Men Believe What They Wish has now been added to the campaign. This is the final chapter of the campaign and tells the story of the rebellion of Vercingetorix. He has united the…

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