THQ auction results are in. Gearbox and Nordic strike big
All of THQ’s remaining properties have now been snapped up at auction. The results are surprising…
All of THQ’s remaining properties have now been snapped up at auction. The results are surprising…
Unquestionably, Sony’s handheld got off to a troubled start, and while it’s still not out of the woods yet, it’s definitely starting to come into its stride. Along with Playstation Mobile and a string of cross-play titles and Indie games, the announcement of extensive PS4 support has suddenly turned the…
There’s a lot of talk about what should and shouldn’t be done on next-gen systems. In this ever-developing market, however, there is one feature that absolutely needs to be a part of every system intent on having an impact on the market over the next 6-7 years. Detailed patch-notes. Yes,…
Thief 4 is still a long way from being released, but that won’t stop us drooling over this new trailer.
Seems the cat is out of the bag. According to an email from GameStop, Battlefield 4 will release on PS4 and Xbox 3 this fall, alongside the PS3/360/PC versions of the game.
Battlefield 4 just got announced. It also got announced that DLC will be available for people who pre-order. Well, it seems that one of those packs might just be the ‘Drone Strike’ Expansion Pack.
Thief 4 has been a long time coming and long terms fans are worried that the focus system is going to completely ruin the game for them. We’re here to tell you the good news.
In case you’ve been living under a rock over the last few hours, you’ll know Battlefield 4 got announced. What you may not have known is that there will be special pre-order incentives to accompany it.
Assassin’s Creed 4 has finally had its Gameplay reveal. At the same time, Ubisoft have unveiled collectors editions of the game.
In a recent report from Penny Arcade, it has been confirmed that Diablo 3 will be playable offline on Playstation 3 and the Real Money Auction House from the game has been removed entirely. Oh, boy…