Gears Judgment has suffered some severe issues since launch as we reported here – but this latest title update looks to fix at least some of them.
To coincide with the release of Lost Relics, a new title update is incoming later this month. Along with 250 new gamerscore, some big fixes are coming to the game.
Check ’em out below…
Title Update List
- Fixed an issue that caused debug info to appear on the overhead maps when swapping out weapons.
- Scorcher magazine size reduced from 34-15 for private and LAN play.
- While holding the Boom Shield, female character heads are no longer more exposed than male characters.
- Prize Boxes will now deliver all unlockable content before rewarding XP.
- All gametypes will now have a rifle and a shotgun as the default loadout except for Free for All and Master at Arms.
- Fixed an issue with the Dreadnought DLC not appearing in VIP Overrun searches.
- Fixed an issue with the grenade animation.
- Reduced volume of self and team footsteps to better highlight enemy approach noises.
- Fixed the “You Lookin At Me” achievement German translation.
- The “Surprise” achievement can now be unlocked on dedicated servers.
- Fixed an issue where pressing the back button for the scoreboard caused the screen to blur until respawn.
- When searching DLC playlists on Execution and Master at Arms, screen will no longer freeze, forcing you to restart searching.
- Fixed an issue which caused game crashes while removing a storage device in the pregame lobby of a ranked versus match.
- All of the Survival map names should now show on the Survival leaderboards.
- Fixed an exploit where players could earn extra prize boxes.
- Removed unnecessary tooltips.
- Secret bookshelf passages in the Library map are now locked in Execution and Breakthrough gametypes.
- Fixed a typo in the current achievement list.
- Fixed an issue with the Engineer’s sentry targeting Locusts being executed.
- Fixed Master at Arms gametype description.
- The Digger no longer misfires after swapping from a loaded Sawed-Off.
- Fixed an issue with Wretches teleporting back to perches.
- Fixed random crashes while accessing content from a USB drive at the title screen.
- Fixed an issue with the Generator not showing damage while being attacked.
- Campaign: Players will no longer be blocked by the missing stairs leading out of the Imulsion room in Aftermath.
- Gnasher ammo updates (start w/ two clips instead of one) for private and LAN play.
- Stim-grenades removed from starting loadout across all gametypes except FFA for private and LAN play.
- Weapon swaps now available per-map per-playlist on dedicated servers.
- Grenades no longer refill from Ammo Boxes.
- Minh’s hitbox adjusted for better detection around head.
- Mortar back on Gondola in place of Torquebow (dedicated server replication issues fixed).
- Mauler no longer able to hit things through walls.
Lost Relics Achievements
- You Can’t Hide- Earn the Tree House Predator ribbon on Ward (10 points)
- Getting it Done- Destroy the generator in under 8 minutes on any DLC map (30 points)
- Dread the Rage- Get a multi-kill while playing as an enraged Rager on Ward (10 points)
- Drop the Mic- Finish wave 10 of Survival at the first e-hole on Ward on at least Normal difficulty (50 points)
- Flag Runner- Score a flag cap on Streets, Rig, Gondola, Library, Lost City, Museum, and Checkout (25 points)
- Look What I Found- Get a kill with each pickup weapon in FFA during a single game on the map Lost City (15 points)
- Flag Dropped- Kill the flag carrier a total of 20 times (20 points)
- Pendulum Wars- Win a TDM, DOM, and BT match with your entire team wearing the UIR Armor skin (40 points)
- For Gorasnaya!- Score 5 flags in BT as Paduk (20 points)
- Golden Artifacts-Win a public or ranked game of Execution on Museum with all players using the Gold character and weapon skins (30 points)
(via Epic Forums)
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