Nike+ Kinect Training gets a Fast and Focused Lower Workout

The festive season is well and truly over – despite the weathers’ best efforts to confuse us – and gamers around the world are still looking sheepishly at the ruin that used to be a well toned athletic build.

Then, just when all hope seemed lost, up-stepped the 2012 thin-em-up Nike+ Kinect Training and got people breaking a sweat in all types of living rooms. Now the game-come-workout has received a new update to help get us all toned in time for summer. How convenient!

For the princely sum of 400 Microsoft points, you too can have the “Fast and Focused: 15-Minute Lower Body Workout” – That’s what she said…

Add this to the “Fast and Focused: Upper Body pack” released back in December and you have all that you need to be the best you that you can be this summer.

The Microsoft blurb that landed in the Expansive Towers email box this morning promises; “personalised drills to target your lower body while burning calories.”

So if you have have Nike+ Kinect Training (and if not you can snag a copy here) why not jog on over to Xbox live on the 15th march and get that lower-body working!

Source: Xbox UK Team

About the author


PictoPirate hails from the grim north and is only down south temporarily while he waits to win the lottery. He likes to play games and then write about them on his website and others if they will let him. Also he likes badgers, don't ask...
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