As We Play

LEGO Dimensions – Expanalysis

This article gives our impressions on the Xbox One version of the game. Where LEGO Dimensions is concerned, it always seemed like a matter of when, rather than if. Traveller’s Tales have been building towards this moment since the LEGO Star Wars games first graced our screens. What we have now…


Tembo the Badass Elephant – Expanalysis

When looking at the developer and publisher history, you could expect something very special here. Sadly this isn’t the case. It’s not special on either end of the quality scale, it’s not awful, it’s not brilliant, it is plain, it is vanilla. It’s more Tembo the Average Elephant than anything else.


The future of I-gaming

It is likely that more video games will try to introduce aspects of I-gaming to boost profits and keep players coming back for more. Guild Wars 2 has shown developers how popular gambling really is and how it can be incorporated into any kind of gaming.


The history of King’s Quest

In a year full of HD remasters and definitive editions, it’s also refreshing to see a brand new entry in a long-forgotten franchise. King’s Quest from The Odd Gentlemen is the first official game in Ken and Roberta Williams original series since December 1998. That’s a wait of almost 17…


The Future of Batman after Arkham Knight

**WARNING – This post contains full spoilers for Batman: Arkham Knight.** We know Arkham Knight will be Rocksteady’s last Batman game. They’ve told us numerous times. But I don’t believe for one second it’s the last Batman game, made in this style, we will ever see. For one thing, it’s…

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