
Kicker Corners – 6 Realms – Update

6 Realms was the first game to feature on Kickers Corner on Expansive DLC, An action packed, side-scrolling RPG attempting to capture the essence of retro games;  influenced by titles such as Zelda, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy. Unfortunately, 6 Realms failed to reach its funding goal of $4,000 on Kickstarter within…

As We Play

Super Time Force – As We Play

Platform: Xbox One Version: 1.0 After spending some considerable time with Nutjitsu, I was almost trying to avoid writing an As We Play for the next Xbox One digital release. Thankfully, however, the next release turned out to be the quite brilliant Super Time Force from Capy Games. For retro…


New Batman: Arkham Knight Trailer Released

Rocksteady Studios took a break from Batman last year after revitalizing the Caped Crusader with the rather fabulous Arkham Asylum and Arkham City games. Warner Bros Games Montréal did a fine job of holding down the fort with Arkham Orgins, but I don’t think I’m the only one excited about the…

As We Play

Titanfall Expedition – As We Play

Platform: Xbox One Version: 1.5 I don’t think this is too bold a statement to make of Titanfall: it has utterly reinvigorated my enthusiasm for online FPS multiplayer. I have rarely wanted to keep playing deathmatch – or in this case, Attrition – time and time again, but Respawn’s debut…


Nosgoth Beta Key Giveaway

GOOD NEWS – We have 25 Nosgoth Beta Keys to give away. Starting today on Facebook and Twitter , you can find us giving away codes for the game. Why not get involved? Meanwhile, for a bit of game background, why not take a read of this? Let’s face it, Zombies are so…

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