As We Play

Kinect Sports Rivals – As We Play

As We Play offers the thought strands of the reviewer as they’re going through the game. This offers unique content for the reader so they can come to understand the conflicting feelings of the reviewer as they’re playing a game for the very first time. All feedback on this concept is welcome….

App Store

Shift Jump – As We Play

Format – iOS (iPhone) Judging from the AppStore screenshots, this looks like it’s going to be an Impossible Game/Super Hexagon style game. Genital-twisting difficulty but satisfying as hell to nail just right. Hopefully with a kickass soundtrack on top of it all. I’m hoping that prediction pays off because I…


Expansive at Rezzed Part One

Can we Axe you a Question? Smiley Dave is back in front of the camera, this time at the Indie Games Industry extravaganza, Rezzed.  There, he got to speak to many high-profile Indie developers about their upcoming games, including the likes of Spilt Milk Studios, Hypersloth Games and Dlala Studios….


King Oddball PS4 – As We Play

As we play offers the thought strands of the reviewer as they’re going through the game. This offers unique content for the reader so they can come to understand the conflicting feelings of the reviewer as they’re playing a game for the very first time. All feedback on this concept is welcome. “What a…

Early Impressions

DEX – Preview

When I played DEX at Rezzed recently, the first thing that struck me was the beautiful art style – with a unique blend of Comix Zone, Flashback and a dash of Blade Runner – the game looks amazing! Equally unique is the game type. Not being content with simply making…


In memory of Luke Carry

The Expansive team were deeply saddened to learn that one of the original members of our developing community recently passed away Luke Carry was a creative young man who ran his own website, Out of the Box Media, and found Expansive during the early days of our development. He commented…


Divinity: Original Sin Beta Hits Steam

Just under a year ago, Larian Studios kickstarted Divinity: Original Sin, an old-school isometric RGP to the tune of $944, 282. Today the 19,541 backers can get their clammy hands on the game for the first time as the beta goes live on Steam Early Access, hooray! If you’re coming late…

First Play

Deus Ex The Fall – First Play

Deus Ex Human Revolution was a stunning return to form for an Intellectual Property many had thought was long-since dead. Square Enix came out guns blazing with the series re-imagining and it worked out well. At the same time, Square Enix also released a mobile spin-off called The Fall. It…

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