Content Update

World of Warcraft 5.4.7 hits this week

The next major World of Warcraft patch releases this week and is expected to be followed by preorders for the next expansion, Warlords of Draenor. The patch mostly benefits the PVP’ers amongst you, though there are a few class changes and terrain adjustments. Here are the main points of interest……

As We Play

Strider – As We Play

Up to a few years ago, Double Helix Games were not a studio that elicited much expectation. With recent stinkers like G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters and Battleship to their credit, it’s not hard to see why. So when it was announced they…


Review: The Last of Us Left Behind

We’re closing in on a year between the release of The Last of Us and now. During that time very few games have managed the narrative maturity Naughty Dog’s most recent release delivered in spades. Even the title screen is messaged-filled – a smashed window, a decaying window sill with…

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