
Fightback 1.7.0 adds 60 FPS

Ninja Theory’s Fightback has received a sizeable update today. At a whopping 270mb, players can now enjoy elegant 60FPS as well as a new feature and series of fixes. A new feature added to Fightback today introduces a slot machine which offers daily prizes. Every day, players will get a…

As We Play

Halo Spartan Assault – As We Play

Halo Spartan Assault may seem like little more than a teaser for Halo 5, but this release offers a few surprises of its own. A twin-stick, top-down shooter affair, you’re a Spartan that has been sent on a series of missions across different planets to neutralise the threat of the…


Batman Arkham Origins mobile upgrades to 1.1

The mobile version of Batman Arkham Origins has received a new update today. The free mobile game is an impressive technical achievement, but has now received even more rewards to help expand your play time. Here’s the latest… COLLECTIONS Scour the city and find Cowls, Belts, Batarangs, Capes and Armor!…

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