Content Update

Black Ops 2 gets six new personalisation packs

Today, on Xbox 360, six brand new personalisation packs will be coming to Black Ops 2. Firstly, the affectionately titled Glam Pack. This doesn’t give makeup and eye-liner to your marine, but it does offer a themed weapon skin, three uniquely shaped reticules (probably in the shape of love hearts) and…

Browser Game

Runescape 3 has launched

The third instalment of the illustrious Runescape franchise has finally launched. The HTML 5 version of the MMORPG can be played from today. The HTML 5 version enables improved graphics, longer draw distances, new audio, and also makes the progression onto tablets much eaasier.


Expansive Overview Pikmin 3

HD remakes simply don’t quench the thirst for a brand new instalment of a beloved franchise. Sure, Nintendo tried their best by re-releasing Pikmin 1 and 2 on Wii, making full using of the Wii Remote instead of the standard gamepad, but if we’re all a bit honest none of…

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