Surgeon Simulator 2013 Competition

There’s nothing like a good operation is there? Well, it’s much better than a bad one, I suppose…

Anyway, mind got sidetracked into the yucky gutter. Blegh!

To celebrate the rather ridiculous Steam Summer Sale and to celebrate the success of a certain Surgical Simulator, we’ve got cool stuffs to give away.

All we want from you is one grotty, grisly story that makes our stomachs do somersaults.

We’ve got Surgeon Simulator 2013 Steam Codes to give away, along with Surgeon Simulator T-Shirts and Surgeon Simulator Test-Tube Pens. See the pictures beeeeeeeeeeee-low…

Surgeon Tees


ss13 pens

All we want you to do is tell your most gruesome injury story. Whatever you’re willing to share, we want you to tell us what happened to you, why did it land you in hospital and what happened after that.

No word limit or any fine print. Just tell us a story in the comments below and the ones that make us choke on our own vomit or make us want to scratch out our eyes win a prize. (Hopefully neither of those things actually happens to us, otherwise Expansive could get very short on content very quickly…and who would give you your prize then, eh???)

We’re giving you a full week for this so hit us with your most vile and gross. Come on, we can take it!

You’ve got seven days and at the end of it, you could be playing Surgeon Simulator while wearing a Surgeon Simulator T-Shirt and drawing brains on yourself with your Surgeon Simulator pen. All for the sweet price of nothing. That’s not a bad deal. Admit it.

Competition Closes July 24th 18.00 BST


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