Heroes of Newerth 4.7.3 ends DLC content updates after 9 years
Heroes of Newerth is receiving its final content update in the latest patch
Heroes of Newerth is receiving its final content update in the latest patch
Is Ash from 1001 Spikes about to join Blade Strangers as DLC?
Soul Calibur 6 DLC 3 is out now and was accidentally released for free!
The Bard’s Tale 4 will receive massive Director’s Cut DLC this June.
Shovel Knight King of Cards and Showdown DLC have been delayed for several months
Operation Grand Heist is coming to Black Ops 4 on February 19th
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle is getting 4 new DLC characters this Spring
Mushroom Wars 2 is getting its third batch of DLC – Red & Furious – from tomorrow
Rainbow Six Siege Year 4 kicks off with Gridlock and Mozzie DLC
Fallout 76 Patch 6 releases this week ahead of Wild Appalachia DLC