
All the latest DLC News


New Project Morpheus title announced

Infinity Runner, the next game from Wales Interactive, will be releasing on PC, Mac and Linux, on June 2nd. What’s more, the team have announced a plethora of new platforms, including PS3, Wii U, PS4 and Playstation Vita (How this will work on the small screen is anyone’s guess?) all…


Destiny Calling… Bungie Lifts The Veil

Destiny is calling. Are you ready? You’d better be, because Bungie’s floodgates are starting to open and a trickle is about to become a stream of information heading your way from this week onwards, no doubt culminating in a veritable tsunami of goodies for you at E3 and beyond. Anyway,…


Next-Gen Mass Effect Trilogy Listing Spotted

The Mass Effect news train keeps on-a-rollin’, with news breaking today via NeoGAF that South American retailer is currently listing PS4 and Xbox One versions of the original trilogy as pre-orders. There is no release date or price information to be found (surprise surprise), but the online store has…


Bundle Overview – Six New Bundles

Game bundles seem to be a bit like buses. You wait a while for one of them to appear, then suddenly loads of them all turn up at once. The case here? Within just two days, five bundles have all popped up in quick succession with packs from Humble Bundle, Groupees, Indie…


Mass Effect Rumours Surface For 2015 Release

It’s a foregone conclusion that expectations for the next installment in Bioware’s Mass Effect franchise are high to say the least, after the incredible success of the epic trilogy that preceeded it. With the team playing its cards very closely to its chest this time around, they have fans chomping…


Mad Max Delayed Till 2015

After almost a year of radio silence following its E3 announcement, the official release window for Mad Max has been confirmed in a newly unveiled teaser trailer.   From the trailer, we can see that vehicular combat will play a major role in this post-apocalyptic open world playground based on…

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