Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris – First Play
Lara Croft is back for another spin-off adventure, in the sequel to highly acclaimed, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.
Lara Croft is back for another spin-off adventure, in the sequel to highly acclaimed, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.
Format – PC I haven’t played, nor was I aware of, either Sacred 1 or Sacred 2. You could – rightfully – say I’m at a disadvantage picking up the story on Part 3, but never deterred, I blunder on in and take up the challenge of – hopefully – being…
Update 9.2 of’s excellent action MMO-em-up has been unleashed and it is full of exciting new content and a whole bunch of spit and polish. Arguably the most exciting innovation is the new game mode Strongholds. Designed specifically for clan members; Strongholds represents clan property and consist of a…
Assassin’s Creed Unity is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in October and today Ubisoft kicked the PR machine up a notch releasing a new and exciting trailer! This trailer focusses on Elise “an independent young noblewoman, determined to secure her place in the Templar dynasty amidst the chaos…
The really rather spiffing viking-themed tactical role-play-em-up, The Banner Saga, is coming to real world stores near you, assuming you live in Europe, Australia or New Zealand, that is. But you don’t just get a copy of the game, oh no; this is The Banner Saga: The Collector’s Edition, baby!…
Format – PC Version 1.01 After spending a good few hours with Gods Will Be Watching, I came to a brutal conclusion about the current state of the video games industry. Independent gaming has not only buried AAA, but it has stamped, weed and crapped all over its grave. AAA…
Format – PC Version 1.01 When we first broke the news about Infinity Runner, there was a real mix of excitement. It was one of the first Project Morpheus titles to be officially announced, it offered Occulus Rift support out of the box, it was announced for almost every format…
As I download Fist of Awesome for PC through Steam I am reminded of that happy moment I met up with Nicoll Hunt at Eurogamer in 2013. “Are you Nicole Hunt” I asked. He looked at me with his fantastic beard and said “No.” “Oh” I replied. “I’m Nickel Hunt”…
Update: In a turn of events the IeSF has reversed its regulation on gender restrictions in response to all the feedback received on the issue. “ IeSF shall have two event categories: “Open for All” events and events that are reserved for women. The events which were initially set aside as…
So after my mixed results in taking on the role of Krobelus the Death Prophet, I delved back into the wide world of DotA2 in search of a new challenge. I took on the roles of agility (Juggenaut) and intelligence (Death prophet) heroes in previous columns so all that left…
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