
Kickers Corner – Hextraction

At ExpansiveDLC, we would like to introduce Hextraction to your possible gaming future. Conceived at a 48 hour global game jam, this game has already caused quite a stir before it hit Kickstater. Have a watch, a read and a look below, then when your appetite is wetted, the Kickstarter…

As We Play

Dark Souls 2 PC – As We Play

Version Tested: 1.00Format: PC It’s no secret that I’m a huge Dark Souls fan and the opportunity to dive back into Dark Souls 2 afresh on the highly anticipated PC version sent my blood pressure into a frenzy…which in hindsight is something I should probably discuss with my doctor.   Getting past…

As We Play

Trials Fusion – As We Play

Version Tested: 1.8 Format: Playstation 4 Booting up Trials Fusion, the game boldly proclaims ‘Welcome to the Future’. And while I wouldn’t necessarily say that Trials Fusion is the future of anything, I can say that it’s a fantastic compilation of everything that has already worked very well up to…


Expansive: Big Games of 2014

With 2014 now well under way – especially in the world of games because that’s the only one that matters, right? – It can be hard to keep a track on all the goodness still to come.   Well, don’t worry, because the kind folk here have got you covered….


Call of Duty Ghosts Gets Chaos Mode

Those wonderful chaps and chapettes over at Infinity Ward have released a new patch for top-selling FPS-em-up Call of Duty: Ghosts. Not only does it have a veritable torrent of bug fixes and tweaks, they have managed to sneak a hidden gem in there. “It can’t be more exciting than…

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