Playstation 4


Destiny Calling… Bungie Lifts The Veil

Destiny is calling. Are you ready? You’d better be, because Bungie’s floodgates are starting to open and a trickle is about to become a stream of information heading your way from this week onwards, no doubt culminating in a veritable tsunami of goodies for you at E3 and beyond. Anyway,…


Next-Gen Mass Effect Trilogy Listing Spotted

The Mass Effect news train keeps on-a-rollin’, with news breaking today via NeoGAF that South American retailer is currently listing PS4 and Xbox One versions of the original trilogy as pre-orders. There is no release date or price information to be found (surprise surprise), but the online store has…


Mad Max Delayed Till 2015

After almost a year of radio silence following its E3 announcement, the official release window for Mad Max has been confirmed in a newly unveiled teaser trailer.   From the trailer, we can see that vehicular combat will play a major role in this post-apocalyptic open world playground based on…

As We Play

Trials Fusion – As We Play

Version Tested: 1.8 Format: Playstation 4 Booting up Trials Fusion, the game boldly proclaims ‘Welcome to the Future’. And while I wouldn’t necessarily say that Trials Fusion is the future of anything, I can say that it’s a fantastic compilation of everything that has already worked very well up to…

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