
This category contains reviews of all the latest DLC on the market


Review: Dead Rising 3 – Fallen Angel

While Operation Broken Eagle was a bit hit and miss, we imagined things would only get better with the remaining three pieces of story-based Dead Rising 3 content. Unfortunately, we were wrong… Developer: Capcom Vancouver Publisher: Microsoft Studios Release Date: 11th February 2014 Format: Xbox One Price: £7.99 This time, the story takes us deep underground,…

Content Update

Review: The Wolf Among Us: Smoke & Mirrors

Developer: Telltale Games Release Date: Out now Format: PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Vita Version Tested: Xbox 360 Price: £3.99, or part of TWAU season pass Telltale Games know how to tell a story. They’re not afraid to tug on your heartstrings or force you into impossible situations. That’s what makes their games so great. And…


Review: Broken Age (Act I)

It says a lot about Double Fine and their following that even before its release, Broken Age quickly became one of the most influential titles of recent years. In much the same way as Minecraft birthed an entire generation of games sold in an incomplete state, but were developed (or…


Democracy3 Impressions

  If I asked if you’d like to run a Country, you’d probably begin wondering what evil schemes as an omnipresent dictator you could accomplish, all while twiddling your waxed moustache. Now imagine you got to play by the rules and your entire dictator-like dreams mean nothing as you’re worrying…

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