Shadow Warrior 2 – Can Lo Wang step out of Duke’s shadow? Shur-he-can – Review
Shadow Warrior 2 awes and dazzles with compelling gameplay and elegent aesthetic
Shadow Warrior 2 awes and dazzles with compelling gameplay and elegent aesthetic
Mother Russia Bleeds comes across feeling more average than evolutionary
Thoth is an exceptional twin-stick shooter from a former Playdead Lead Designer
Gears of War 4 is a sure-fire Game of the Year Contender!
Rise of the Tomber Raider 20 Year Celebration comes to Playstation on October 11th
NBA 2k17 is back with finnesse and flair. Check out our video review to see it in glorifying action
LEGO Dimensions Year 2 starts September 27th and introduces characters from A-Team, Mission Impossible, Fantastic Beasts and Sonic the Hedgehog!
FIFA 17 introduces a new Journey mode. Did you stop believing in this franchise?
Mount & Blade Warband is on consoles for the first time. Was it worth the wait?
We delve deep into The Bunker from Splendy Games and come back – mostly – unscathed.