I’m Not A Hipster Update Hits GTA Online

That’s right, folks a whole load of new content has landed in Rockstar’s MMO-em-up Grand Theft Auto Online, courtesy of the “I’m Not a Hipster” update. Described as a “post ironic, artisanal, organic, entirely independent, 100% re-claimed” update, it promises new retro print tees, skinny jeans, hairstyles, tattoos, animal masks…

As We Play

Chronology: As We Play

Format – PC Version 1.01 My first impression of Chronology is that it is a beautiful game with an art style reminiscent of Jonathan Blow’s seminal indie puzzler Braid. You play the Inventor who awakes to find the world has been destroyed by a catastrophe caused by a combination of science…

As We Play

Murdered: Soul Suspect – As We Play

Format – PlayStation 4 Version 1.01 Murdered: Soul Suspect is a strange game to place. Though it feels rather special on the PS4, it falls somewhere between AAA and indie, and rather rightly so too. If there was truly any one word to sum up Murdered, that word would definitely…

Playstation 4

Sony E3 Press Conference Highlights.

Sony were the last company to take centre stage during E3 2014, with Nintendo opting to do a pre-recorded show. Following a fantastic showing of the Playstation 4 during E3 2013, many people walked away from show with the opinion that Sony had blown Microsoft out of the water. Microsoft…

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