
Bloodmasque 1.2.0 update live

Bloodmasque, the action RPG from Square on mobile, has received a minor update, moving it up to 1.2.0 The game now features a Welcome Back Campaign feature. There’s also a new feature allowing players to augment gear implemented. The game also features a new invitation bonus system and a selection…

Content Update

War Thunder 1.37 flies high

Gajin Entertainment have released a new update for War Thunder, available in Open Beta on PC and Playstation 4. Update 1.37 introduces new progression system, new planes and combat maps.  The update adds a whopping 20 new aircraft, such as Ki-84 Japanese Fighter and German attack plane Hs.129B-3. As a…


PWI releasing next-gen F2P MMORPGs in 2014

Perfect World Entertainment, a major Free to Play MMORPG publisher, has announced its intent to publish next-gen console versions of some of its existing and upcoming library. Next year, the company will announce its full range of titles and platforms. Considering their line-up, this represents an exciting move to bring…

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