Guns Of Icarus Online 1.1.3 update inbound!
Muse Games’ Guns of Icarus Online is about to get updated to 1.1.3
Muse Games’ Guns of Icarus Online is about to get updated to 1.1.3
The Dragon’s Dogma series is about to get a bit more exciting..
Patch 5.2 is now available on the Test Realms. By signing in, players can check out a brand new raid dungeon, new quest hubs, pet battle improvements and more.
Japanese gaming mag, Dengeki PlayStation, appear to have unveiled Konami’s post launch plans for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
Players will soon be able to play as the beloved Enchanter, Radagast, with the upcoming Guardians Of Middle-Earth DLC.
Modder Wapeddell, brings the insanity that is Vaas into GTA IV with this polished mod.
ArenaNet are asking all avid Guild Wars 2 players keen on PvP to test a new tournament system.
This is one of the most remarkable in-game achievements we’ve ever seen. Kings Landing recreated in Minecraft. Yes, really…
We’ve received confirmation from JAW Ltd that an upcoming patch for Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath on Vita will feature Leaderboard support.
Sleeping Dogs Fans will be licking their lips with anticipation now that a new DLC pack “Year Of The snake” has been confirmed.