Wizards Unite expected to receive new lessons and major new update next week

As hinted at by WUTubers Animagus and XpectoGO, Wizards Unite is set to get a game-changing new update in the next week.

According to Animagus, the update could potentially be bigger than both the Knight Bus and the controversial repeat image collection. He argues, in fact, that this is the biggest update for the game since launch.

This ties into reports, as well as our thoughts that Year 2 for the game is beginning now and new features are set to be rolled out in the near future.

As to what we can expect, there are a few working theories. Signs do point, however, to new lessons being added to the game as there were some datamined images recently of new books. When talking about the update, Xpecto Go also put up an image of the book on his video. Hmmm.

However, we believe this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Raids have been in the coding for months now and are actually mentioned in the official Wizards Unite guide. If new lessons are, in fact, at the heart of this then we think there will be more than just a few new chambers.

Remote raiding has been working successfully in Pokemon GO for a few months now, so it seems like a good time for WU to get a chance at doing its own version. Plus with the Knight Bus in place, everyone can get involved.

There’s even a place for it reserved in the game under the Challenges tab on registry with the green icons on the far right illustrating iconic villains like Dolores Umbridge, Fenrir Greyback, and Aragog and that’s been there since launch.

It would make sense, then, for players to need new lessons in order to fight back against these much stronger enemies.

And who knows what else the team has in store. One thing is for sure, the game desperately needs something fresh and new and it seems like that’s coming down the tracks imminently.

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