Review: Shadowrun Returns – Dragonfall

For many critics, the best DLC of the year may already be wrapped up. And deservedly so. Naughty Dog’s ‘Left Behind’ was a fantastic narrative-focused adventure that had more characterisation in its sub-two hour duration than many thirty to forty hour blockbuster ever manage. In many ways, we’d be inclined…


Doki Doki Universe gets new DLC Packs

The PS4 version of Doki Doki Universe will receive new DLC packs tomorrow. From tomorrow, a new planet pack will be made available. This includes two new story projects PIG PIG and ARCTIC 7, with new summonables and decorations. There’s also three new themed packs of animating DEKOS for Mail….


Sanctum 2 expansions now on Xbox Live

Coffee Stain Studios have finally released the first downloadable content for Sanctum 2 on Xbox Live. The expansion pack will bring together the Road to Elysion and Ruins of Brightholme DLC that has previously been released on PC, providing all the content for Xbox 360 owners for the first time….


EDF 2025 gets two DLC packs

Two major content packs have just released for EDF 2025 on the Playstation Netwok and XBL Marketplace. The content packs will require players to fight robots, dragons and bugs across a slew of new missions. First up is Mutant Rampage. The content will offer players 20 new missions to get…

Content Update

Space Hulk Space Wolves DLC now available

Based on the successful Warhammer 40,000 universe, Space Hulk from Full Control has just received a large expansion today on PC, Mac and iOS. The Space Wolves expansion adds the ‘Fangs of Fenris’ campaign with three new missions and 11 unique Space Wolf terminators, all of which can be used…

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