

Best Indie Games of 2013

My sincere apologies for the delay of this month’s indie column, but I have been struck down with the plague (well, no, just the usual pre-Christmas sickness, but close enough). In any case, better late than never eh? As a special treat this month, I have compiled a list of…


Democracy3 Impressions

  If I asked if you’d like to run a Country, you’d probably begin wondering what evil schemes as an omnipresent dictator you could accomplish, all while twiddling your waxed moustache. Now imagine you got to play by the rules and your entire dictator-like dreams mean nothing as you’re worrying…


PS Vita To Take On The Living Room!

Sony has announced the Vita TV – a new take on the already available PS Vita. It brings portable gaming and media to people’s living rooms.  Measuring only 6.5cm by 10.5cm, the small, screen-less system keeps the portable size of the Vita while offering entertainment, not just from the Vita…

Content Update

F2P: A Fighting Model for the Future?

During E3, Microsoft lifted the lid on a project many gamers have dreamt about for years. After a wealth of speculation, they revealed that Killer Instinct will not only be making a return, it’ll be available at launch for Xbox One. On paper, a launch title like that doesn’t get much bigger….

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