Content Update

Space Hulk Space Wolves DLC now available

Based on the successful Warhammer 40,000 universe, Space Hulk from Full Control has just received a large expansion today on PC, Mac and iOS. The Space Wolves expansion adds the ‘Fangs of Fenris’ campaign with three new missions and 11 unique Space Wolf terminators, all of which can be used…


Titanfall Season Pass Detailed

It has been teased, rumoured and speculated about for quite some time, but now it’s official. Titanfall will have a Season Pass. Priced at £19.99, the Season Pass will encompass three sets of DLC, each including new maps for you to play around on. The Season Pass will be available…

As We Play

10 Second Ninja – As We Play

To be honest I’m not sure where to go with this overview. On one hand I’ve had a brilliant time with 10 Second Ninja, and on the other hand it appears that the game’s developer, Dan Pearce, has created an entirely new form of ailment. I call it Ninja Neck…

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