Awesomenauts 3.3 Rise of Galactron now on Steam
Awesomenauts 3.3 revolutionises matchmaking system and retools the UI
Awesomenauts 3.3 revolutionises matchmaking system and retools the UI
Gwent 0.8.16 is the first major patch for the game and is available now
The Elder Scrolls Online has a Free Play Weekend until November 20th
Ubisoft release a series of videos for Watch Dogs 2 launch
Terraria 1.3.4 gets invaded by Dungeon Defenders 2
Watch Dogs 2 is suffering from several launch issues, including a nudity glitch
Overcooked The Lost Morsel is a delightful DLC. You can also be a panda chef. Which is winning.
This War of Mine 3.0.1 fixes some of the Anniversary Edition issues
Silence may be Daedalic’s finest hour and is the reinvention of the adventure game we’ve been waiting for
XCOM 2 now has controller and free camera support on PC in a new update