Armello – Expanalysis
Armello gets the Expansive review treatment. Is the base experience enough to justify purchase, or does this one need more content to sweeten the deal?
Armello gets the Expansive review treatment. Is the base experience enough to justify purchase, or does this one need more content to sweeten the deal?
The Swindle is about creating your own moments that are unique to you. It will break your bones, the police will catch you and you will fail, but you’ll have a blast doing it.
I’ll admit, I’d never heard of SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition or its forerunner SanctuaryRPG Classic when it was passed to me by the overlords here at Expansive Towers for review. So in the words of Mrs PictoPirate’s mother I “did a Google” to see what all the fuss was about. SanctuaryRPG:…
That’s right friends it seems us gamers never tire of blasting the undead but how often do you get to shoot zombies in an alternate vision of World War II? Fear not for Rebellion are on hand to scratch that particular itch with tactical zombie shoot-em-up Zombie Army Trilogy. The…
Shinji Mikami’s terrifying survive-em-up The Evil Within is set to get it’s first taste of DLC scariness with the announcement that The Assignment will be hitting a system near you in March. The first of a terrifying two-parter you take on the role of Sebastian Castellanos’ partner detective Juli Kidman…
Harold is the debut title from Florida’s own Moonspider Studio. A singleplayer side-scrolling platform race-em-up you play Gabe, a guardian angel tasked with protecting the titular Harold as he races across a host of crazy and surprisingly dangerous courses. Gabe controls the various obstacles on each course, using his angelic…
Digital Extremes free to play shoot-em-up Warframe got its 337th update today with the introduction of new and exciting orbital relays. Described as “interactive MMO-like social hubs” Warframe’s 14 millionish players can explore new areas, directly interact with one another and do business with in-game characters. Before we get down…
Over at Expansive Towers we’ve been very excited about the prospect of getting our collective mitts on Evolve for some time and today we can finally get our wish as Turtle Rock Studios 4v1 hunt-em-up finally hits the shelves. For those that haven’t been keeping their eyes on the press…
Fans of Techland’s popular survive-em-up Dying Light will be delighted today after the first piece of season pass goodness landed and dates were announced for the rest. Cuisine & Cargo, launched today giving players a couple of tough new missions set in the very first days after the outbreak. Techland’s…
Techland’s scare-em-up Dying Light is super popular at the moment and those industrious PC gamers have already been working on some interesting mods to keep the action going. Now the developers are looking help out by producing their own set of modding tools for the community to use and they…
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