

Lords of Football Gets Medieval on Your Ass

2013 football life-em-up Lords of Football has announced some exciting pre-season DLC to help whip your players into shape. For the meager sum of £3.99 you can get your hands on 16 new training sessions to torment and entertain, including, but not limited to, a giant hamster wheel! Don’t forget Lords of…


Review: The Walking Dead: 400 Days

After Telltale Games released the episodic hit that was The Walking Dead, pretty much anyone who played the game was aching for more content. Telltale listened to the hungry fans and provided them with the content they requested, 400 Days. However, some might be displeased when they realise the bonus episode…


Rogue Legacy v 1.0.11 released

Rogue Legacy, the quirky dungeon crawler, has received one of its first major updates and it fixes several key issues players have been having with the game. For instance, players could die when they kill a boss. That’s not been fixed. The save system has also been fixed and data…

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