Xbox One

As We Play

Zombie Army Trilogy – As We Play

World War 2 is a very well explored period in human history, but even the finest combs can miss minuscule details. Minuscule details like the world being set upon by the undead at the behest of a desperate Adolf Hitler. Zombie Army Trilogy (hereafter referred as ZAT) intends to explore this…


Warframe Gets Social With Orbital Relays

Digital Extremes free to play shoot-em-up Warframe got its 337th update today with the introduction of new and exciting orbital relays. Described as “interactive MMO-like social hubs” Warframe’s 14 millionish players can explore new areas, directly interact with one another and do business with in-game characters. Before we get down…


The Far Cry 4 Hurk Deluxe DLC Out Now

Ubisoft’s  fun-tastic FPS-em-up Far Cry 4 just got a little better today with the release of the Hurk Deluxe downloadable content. For the princely sum of £5.99 you get five new missions including Yak Farm, Blood Ruby and Hurk’s Redemption as well as a bunch of new weapons including a groovy…

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