

Media Molecule have announced updates for the latest raft of LittleBigPlanet games including LittleBigPlanet 2, LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and LittleBigPlanet Karting. The new updates contain some exciting new DLC as well as a bunch of bug fixes. But what DLC, you ask? How about some chuffing lemmings?! Wondering about those…

As We Play

Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn – As We Play

Platform: Playstation 4 / Playstation Vita Version: 2.2 The truly great franchises, the ones that have learned to adapt to the rapidly-changing videogame market, are the ones that remain relevant and are still entertaining us fifteen, twenty, even thirty years down the line. It’s true some have burned out and…

As We Play

Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom – As We Play

Format: PS3 Version: 1.01 The fourth game in the series, Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom is the first outing outside of the PSP and PS Vita environment, with development done by Magenta Software, rather than Novarama Technology (who have developed most of the handheld versions so far). Taking on the role of Hiro, a…

First Play

A Story About My Uncle – First Play

First-person platforming is hard to get right. As anyone who has reached Xen in the original Half-Life can tell you, judging things like jump distances and depth can be extremely difficult when you can’t even see your own feet. And yet, perhaps because of the fact that most sensible games…


Expansive News of the Week – 17/05/14

Think you may have missed out on some of the biggest gaming headlines to break this week? Well don’t worry, Expansive have got you covered. This week we take a look at the rumors surrounding Rockstar Games’ next-gen offerings and whether they’re about to announce Red Dead Redemption 2, Bully 2,…

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