
Call of Duty – Advanced Warfare Trailer

The debut trailer for Activision’s latest Call of Duty game has been released this morning and it will be titled Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare; along with the release date, which has been set for the 4th November 2014. Set around the world of PMC’s (More on PMC’s here <<<), we see the…


New Mario Kart 8 features detailed

Unquestionably, there’s a lot riding on Mario Kart 8 as far as Nintendo are concerned. But the way the game is shaping up, they have plenty to be confident about. Come May 30th, the game will launch on Wii U and if you purchase and register it before July 31,…

As We Play

Child of Light – As We Play

Format – PlayStation 4 As is becoming a trend; I must begin this As We Play with a confession – I do not know anything about turn-based RPGs. I’ve never liked Final Fantasy, Ni No Kuni remains sealed on my shelf for a day that may never arrive, and going…

First Play

Daylight First Play Impressions

Thinking about plucking up the courage and jumping into the ‘procedurally generated world’ of Daylight, the new survival horror to come from Zombie Studios? Well I suggest you join me first as I gather my wits long enough to play through Daylight, but only to be massively disappointed! Apart from…


May 2014 DLC Release Schedule

Another month and another run of DLC. Though this month certainly appears quieter than most, there are a couple of nice surprises here. To kick off the month, more goodness from Hideo Kojima and the Metal Gear Solid team while we await The Phantom Pain. Both Xbox and Playstation owners…

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