Tomb Raider: 1939 Multiplayer Map Pack Released
Tomb Raider has just received another of its planned Multiplayer map packs.
Tomb Raider has just received another of its planned Multiplayer map packs.
DuckTales Remastered developer, WayForward Technologies, have expanded on the original plot to Capcom’s DuckTales in order to satisfy questions that were left previously unanswered, such as why Scrooge McDuck was fighting a rat on the moon and why his nephews were kidnapped. In an interview with Siliconera Capcom producer, Rey Jimenez explains,…
The futuristic strategy game Anno 2070 now has a ‘Complete Edition’ available to those in Europe and Australia. It is available for 40 of your British sterling on Steam and Ubisoft’s Uplay store. The complete edition will bag you: Exclusive premium content: The complete Anno 2070 Soundtrack The updated Tree of Technologies poster Unlocked…
Patch 1.22.x.40 for Torchlight 2 has gone live and the team at Runic Games have delivered arguably their most enticing update yet.
A major update for Borderlands 2 will roll out tomorrow. In addition to a number of fixes, the much anticipated Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode will be released, as well as an increased level cap.
So a Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon teaser trailer and website have both been revealed today (April 1st) and from what both the trailer and website indicate, Far Cry 3 is headed back to 80’s! The website, which in itself is a glorious throwback to the .gif plastered web-pages of…
Nope, this one isn’t an April Fool. In all upcoming Wargaming titles, Zombie Mode will be playing a very important role.
We generally report on patches, mods, updates, fixes and the expansion of gaming worlds. On this occassion, however, we couldn’t not talk about our mascot getting his very own game. Last night, you may have seen a new image of Geoff floating around our Facebook and Twitter page. This is…
Microsoft and Major Nelson have revealed the titles that will be available in today’s one day sale on Xbox Live.
For more information on the patch review, please visit here Alongside a new map and mode, Gears Judgment has received its first major title update. Does it improve some of the game’s major issues? No, not really…
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