Ranger Mode back in Metro: Last Light
It has been confirmed that Ranger Mode will be returning in Metro: Last Light.
It has been confirmed that Ranger Mode will be returning in Metro: Last Light.
In case you’ve been living under a rock over the last few hours, you’ll know Battlefield 4 got announced. What you may not have known is that there will be special pre-order incentives to accompany it.
No, we’re not talking about the recent Final Fantasy MMO that’s currently being rebooted. The original Final Fantasy XI has received its fifth major expansion pack, and it’s now available for Xbox 360 and PC owners.
Good news, the long-awaited ZombiU patch is now available. It’s been long rumoured and expected and now it’ll download when you boot up the game.
You can stop wishing upon a star. Legendary RPG series, Kingdom Hearts is finally returning to home console.
Save the date. The first major expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic will release on April 14th.
‘The End’ is nearly here for Minecraft on XBLA. The full changelog for Update 9 has been released by 4J Studios.
Not only have Epic & People Can Fly been caught in the act having DLC on-disc, some keen gamers are already playing a new, unreleased mode.
The new title in the series aims to do one thing and one thing only. Destroy old friendships in new ways.
Assassin’s Creed 4 has finally had its Gameplay reveal. At the same time, Ubisoft have unveiled collectors editions of the game.