Streetfighter x Tekken v 1.08 finally comes to PC tomorrow

The long-awaited 1.08 patch for the PC version of Streetfighter X Tekken arrives tomorrow.


This update brings the game into 2013 and introduces a number of major changes. Initially delayed from December, this has been a long-time coming.

Here’s a full breakdown of what this update manages to achieve. It includes character-specific fixes, as well as changes to quick combos and normal throws…

The full list has yet to be confirmed, but this information is pieced together from Capcom’s own blog


Extended the forward distance of Shippu Jinraikyaku with damage increased!


Becomes completely invulnerable when Demon God Fist EX is activated (until the attack ends)


Hooligan Combination can take off to Cannon Strike EX


Increased the damage of Lashing Arrow EX with wall bounce damage


Extended in-air time on short distance heavy punch and can chain to Super Arts


Giga Jacker EX sends opponent to a hard knockdown state


Wall bounce on Counter Hit of Shoulder Tackle


Invulnerable frame has been added on Hakkesho EX


Dash Swing Blow EX on crouched foes makes them fall on their backside


Increased damage on Chrome Dome! Also, MAX Chrome Dome can’t be defended


While falling after Kunai EX, Canceling can be activated on Kunai EX


Invulnerable time on Shredder EX has been extended

Bob & Paul

Their walk speed has become faster

Normal Throws

In addition to reducing the frames on start up from 7F to 5F, we’re considering tweaking throws to make them more viable as a way of defeating your opponent’s defenses. We aren’t looking to up the damage of normal throws with this tweak, so much as we are trying to speed up the matches.

The Vitality Gauge Shaking

We’ve gotten a lot of feedback asking us to stop the vitality gauge from shaking when taking damage.

However, we’ve also heard some folks say that having the gauge shake makes it easier to see who took damage when viewing replays.

Both points make sense, however since fighting games require players to make split-second, situation-based decisions, we’ve decided to go with tweaks that improve visibility for the person actually fighting the match.

Quick Combos

We’ve also had some feedback telling us that Quick Combos will activate without the player meaning to execute them. Seeing as this really hinders gameplay-which is something we really want to avoid-we’re thinking out how to make it so that this doesn’t happen.


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