Ubisoft details PlayStation exclusive content for Watch_Dogs

Ubisoft stated some time back that their highly anticipated cross-gen title Watch_Dogs would contain exclusive content on PlayStation. Now that they’ve announced their new release date, 27th May, this has been followed up with clarification of what PlayStation owners can expect.

Probably the biggest news here is that you get an extra 60 minutes of gameplay spread across four missions. In an article on the PlayStation Blog, Nik Schmidt, Community Manager for Watch_Dogs describes this as:

… an original mission exclusive to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 [where], Dedsec requires the help of Aiden to set the record straight and expose a company’s deceitful activities. More precisely, they need Aiden’s help, his connections, and his extreme knowledge of Chicago’s complex ctOS network to track down enemies and expose them for who they really are, and he’s willing to do it – for a price.

You also get an exclusive hacker outfit, although I’m not sure white is really the way to go if you’re trying to be stealthy, and rounding off the extras is an exclusive hacking perk.

For more information, check out the video below:

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