Far Cry 5 Season Pass Trailer confirms Blood Dragon dev involvement
Far Cry 5 Season Pass is by Blood Dragon devs and is shown off in new trailer
Far Cry 5 Season Pass is by Blood Dragon devs and is shown off in new trailer
Descenders receives its first major content update which adds Freeride mode
Fear Effect Sedna is not a good game and in this case, sadly, patches and fixes can only paper the cracks of what is an inherently flawed sequel.
Total War Rome 2 Desert Kingdoms DLC will be available on March 8
Prey’s Twitter account activity builds rumour mill toward new announcement
Warframe Shrine of Eidolon update releases next week
Battlezone Combat Commander is a remake that gives with one hand and takes away with the other.
Ransome Unbeeped DLC launches unexpectedly for Thimbleweed Park on PC
Terraria 1.3 is the biggest console update for the game ever.
Activision has outlined its plans for 2018, including remasters, expansion packs and in-game events