As We Play

Destiny – Final Verdict

Format – PS4 Version: 1.02 For a more dynamic view of our time with the game, take a look at our real-time updates As We Play. So, now we’ve had plenty of the time with the game – sinking some 30+ hours – we feel ready to make a judgement. Does…

As We Play

The Golf Club – As We Play

Format – PS4 Version: 1.0 It’s taken me a while to figure out why I both love and hate The Golf Club, but now I think I’ve finally figured it out, Mario! Let me elaborate on that, actually.  When I was – let’s just say ‘younger’ – I used to…


The Crew Gets Social

Ubisoft’s upcoming open-world race-em-up The Crew, due out in November on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PS4, has a new trailer, hooray! The video called ‘Social Trailer’ highlights the titular ‘Crews’ mechanic with players joining crews on the fly and racing together before dropping off and doing their own…


Watch_Dogs DLC Bad Blood announced

Ubisoft has today announced some new DLC for it’s open-world hack ’em up Watch_Dogs (no, not that sort of hacking, this isn’t Dexter the video game…). Bad Blood doesn’t star Aiden Pearce, but rather T-Bone, making him playable for the first time. You’re still in Chicago, but you get 10…

As We Play

Runers – As We Play

Format – PC Version: Top-down shooters are always a lot of fun but are often criticized for lacking depth. Roguelikes have depth to spare but can sometimes be ponderous exercises in walking about and dying. Aiming to address the flaws of both genres, Runers combines them together, marrying the…

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