Expansive Opportunities: The Last of Us

It’s easy to assume that The Last of Us is just another stab at the survival horror genre. Yet it’s the complete opposite. The enemies that have stalked humanity for years are not your typical zombie either. These are humans that have been infected by parasitic organisms.

The Last of Us is set quite a long time after this infection has permanently changed the world. Most humans now live in constant fear within the few safe havens that are protected by the remnants of the army. The leaders of these so called safe havens rule with an iron fist. Perhaps a small price to pay for being kept safe from the unimaginable horrors that plague society.

The main character, Joel, is attempting to smuggle a teenager girl across the country. Given her age, Ellie is blissfully unaware of the dangers that await in the outside world. That’s both a blessing and a curse.


It was possible to experience two very distinct ways of playing The Last of Us throughout the demonstration. The first hour or so was spent in Lincoln where nature has truly taken back its rightful territory.

Getting into town is no easy feat seeing as the whole town is sealed off. This is where players are introduced to one of the less conventional ideas found within the game. Joel is able to lift wood planks to make a path. It’s this dynamic use of items that creates puzzle-esque opportunities and lets players explore this post apocalyptic world in greater detail.

Items used will eventually break  down or become worn out. A makeshift knife could open a door, but it could also potentially end up breaking. Resources are naturally scarce in a world where humanity has taken to hiding within the confines of secure areas. So it’s no wonder that everyday items have become highly desirable since there is no manpower to build them.

Not that it stops Joel who can craft most items out of resources he scavenges within abandoned towns. Items are crafted in real time, but Joel does it so quickly that it doesn’t become a burden during situations that require quick thinking. All the player has to do is choose an item to craft and press a button for a couple of seconds.

The limited use of items means that it’s important for players to learn how to make the most of them. It also means not just sticking to one particular item.

You’ll always remember your first time and that rule certainly applies to the infected found shortly after getting inside Lincoln. Anyone foolish enough to approach these deadly creatures will find it quickly leads to a painfully graphic on-screen death. This isn’t your standard video-game where the monsters will only drop dead when pumped full of lead. This approach does work, but it will encourage more infected to come along.

The best way to approach the infected creatures is to carefully think about the situation. If it’s just one creature then it’s often best to just grab an item, such as a pipe, and whack it to death. A few more? You’ll need to pick your spots.


There are various stages during the course of infection. At its basic stage, humans are somewhat aware of their actions, but the parasite is controlling them. These runners, as they are called, will lunge at the character but won’t cause major damage. Further stages of the infection will cause the victim to go blind and even make the host become a part of the environment, so it can then spread the infection.

One stage of the infection makes it possible for creatures to literally kill Joel with one hit. It’s best to sneak around these, especially since The Last of Us favors a realistic approach when facing these creatures. Joel isn’t some pumped up superhero that can easily take on these vicious creatures. He struggles just like every human would do when thrust into such hostile circumstances.

The game isn’t just about sneaking about and scavenging for items though. There are various traps set up throughout Lincoln. It’s the handy work of the friend who Joel is hoping to get a ride out of town. In an instance, Joel was caught by trap that left him hanging upside down. It’s all down to Ellie to cut the rope, whilst Joel desperately attempts to protect her and himself from the creatures.

This is an easy example of the delicate alliance forged between these two characters. At first, Ellie is understandably wary of Joel. There are certain conversations, triggered by actions such as investigating an old arcade, that will maker her trust him more.

Not that Ellie is shy about talking to Joel. She is naturally curious about everything that she comes across. It’s actually amusing to hear her excitedly go on about her latest interest, and it’s such a stark contrast to Joel, who knows too well that danger is always lurking.

As expected, Ellie’s AI is capable but isn’t the most helpful during combat. In all fairness, she will usually stay out of harm’s way, unless protecting her is part of the current objective. Every once in a while she will come along and swiftly stab an enemy in the back. Then quickly retreat to wherever she was hiding. Of course, it’s possible Joel will start training her in combat throughout their adventure, since this change in behavior occurs during their visit to Pittsburgh.


Meanwhile, there is not a creature in sight when playing through the Pittsburgh section of the demonstration. Instead, Joel and Ellie are pitted against a savage group of humans that make a living from ambushing anyone that comes to town. It’s not only valuables that are taken since it is suggested that they have resorted to cannibalism. Nothing like an apocalypse to bring out the worst of humanity.

As expected, it’s a lot tougher to deal with humans, especially as there are far more of them to deal with. Sneaking around and taking them out one by one is the best action to take. To me, however, this feels far too dutiful due to the rudimentary cover system and the sheer number of enemies. It more than often resulted in a gun fight and a few deaths. Fortunately, checkpoints are regular and ensure that no significant amount of progress is lost.

Visually, The Last of Us is looking very impressive and perhaps a perfect example of how developers are finally able to make the most of the technology found in current generation hardware. It’s inspiring to explore the surreal urban setting that has been overtaken by nature, especially since the areas available to explore are huge. There are collectibles to find too, such as notes that people left behind for their loved ones. It all makes it possible for the player to care about this strange world, leaving them eager to find out more.

The horrors found within Lincoln show a dark side of The Last of Us, arguably more memorable than the human focused Pittsburgh. Still it proved that humans are capable of being as despicable as the creatures hunting humanity.

If this is one of the Playstation 3’s last big hits then it definitely deserves such distinction. The potential is certainly there, based on what i’ve experienced. Whilst playing through these two cities. Joel and Ellie’s alliance is entertaining to witness. It’s irresistible to let curiosity take over when exploring the abandoned cities. Feeling anxious just before entering a new area and not knowing what may or not lurk within it.

The Last of Us has a lot to deliver, given all the hype surrounding it, and it may just do that later this month.

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