Got classic Nintendo or Sega cartridges but no console? Introducing Super Retro TRIO


Wow, well here’s a thing.

Way back in the day (if you’re a similar age to me, we’ll call it childhood), console wars were between the mighty Nintendo and Sega, and games were all played on cartridges. Things have, of course, changed a lot since then, and following in the vein of the likes of Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, retro hardware manufacturers Retro-bit have created a console that brings these classic console makers together in the Super Retro TRIO.


What this gives you, is one central system that will play your NES, SNES, and Megadrive cartridges. So if you’re a collector of retro gaming goodness, but struggle for space, power points, and so on, this can only be a good thing.

The Super Retro TRIO comes packaged with a couple of SNES – style controllers, which perhaps isn’t an ideal fit for the Megadrive. The good news though is that if you’ve got the original controllers of any of the three, you can just use those instead.


We’ve not had the pleasure of giving this a whirl ourselves, but if you fancy giving it a try, you can get it from (and presumably other retro retailers), who currently have it priced at £74.99. And of course, let us know what you think in the comments!

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