Warframe Gets Social With Orbital Relays

Digital Extremes free to play shoot-em-up Warframe got its 337th update today with the introduction of new and exciting orbital relays. Described as “interactive MMO-like social hubs” Warframe’s 14 millionish players can explore new areas, directly interact with one another and do business with in-game characters. Before we get down…


The Evolution of Home Gaming

In today’s world of high definition video games, internet connections and always-on devices, it’s hard to think of a time when you wouldn’t be able to simply get home, relax and enjoy a few games on your favourite console. As strange as it may sound, such a dark age of…

As We Play

Blackguards 2 – As We Play

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG that promises to “deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime”. The game starts with Cassia of Tenos being tossed into a labyrinth full of giant poisonous spiders that are guaranteed to kill or make mad anyone they bite. Cassia…

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