Injustice gets Martian Manhunter

EVO 2013 offered up a few surprises. One of those was the announcement of Martian Manhunter as the next DLC character for Injustice: Gods Among Us. A full trailer was shown off prior to the Injustice final at the event. Interestingly, the DLC pack for Martian Manhunter will also add…

Content Update

Monsters Invade Oz gets update

Monsters Invade: Oz has just received a major update, adding tons of new monsters and quests to the game. The game has over three million monster battles and one million quests but now there’s a whole lot more to come. The latest update adds 20 new creatures to the game….

Expansive Opportunities

Beyond: Two Souls: Ahead of the curve?

Is it possible to consider video-games at the same level as other types of media, such as films? This question has sparked many discussions in the entertainment industry. Sony and Quantic Dreams seem to want to answer that with upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive, Beyond: Two Souls.

Expansive Overview

Expansive Overview: Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami first came out on PC  to rave reviews. Take a trip over to the website  and plastered on the homepage are 60 odd reviews with scores between 8/10 and 10/10… not bad. But the transition to handheld can be a rocky one. How does it stack up? Read on…

Expansive Overview

Develop Conference 2013: One Man’s Journey

So this is a rather long write up of my first experience of the annual gaming nirvana that takes place in Brighton (a gaming hotspot of the UK filled with developer studios and educational institutions). I was extremely excited to attend as, for most people in the Industry, it’s a highlight…

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