Content Update

First Killzone: Shadow Fall DLC maps shown off

Guerilla Games have released concept art for the first DLC maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall. Called The Cruiser and The Hangar, each map is offering something different to players. The Cruiser offers close-quarter combat with labyrinthine routes. Meanwhile The Hangar offers sniper-friendly spaces and secret flanking routes. The maps will…

As We Play

Halo Spartan Assault – As We Play

Halo Spartan Assault may seem like little more than a teaser for Halo 5, but this release offers a few surprises of its own. A twin-stick, top-down shooter affair, you’re a Spartan that has been sent on a series of missions across different planets to neutralise the threat of the…

Content Update

Batman Arkham Origins DLC incoming?

An announcement on the Arkham Origins Twitter and Facebook pages indicates that a new piece of DLC could be on the way for Arkham Origins. A simple image hints at a key moment in Bruce Wayne’s life. Further in the comments, more details have been released, adding further credence to…

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