

Kickers Corner – DieselStörmers

Over on the Kickstarter horizon, where you can give a wee bit of money to help make the next best thing a reality, is DieselStörmers.  Think action run’n’gun, Metal Slug meets Left 4 Dead meets Diablo sort of game.  It also looks as mad as a sack full of cats….


Kickers Corner – Hextraction

At ExpansiveDLC, we would like to introduce Hextraction to your possible gaming future. Conceived at a 48 hour global game jam, this game has already caused quite a stir before it hit Kickstater. Have a watch, a read and a look below, then when your appetite is wetted, the Kickstarter…


Kickers Corner – 6 Realms

Welcome to the first in our Kickers Corner series. Here at ExpansiveDLC, we are going to bring your attention to the Indie games of tomorrow now appearing on Kickstarter. We’ll also be keeping you up to date with how the game does in the big wide world. As the games…

Early Impressions

DEX – Preview

When I played DEX at Rezzed recently, the first thing that struck me was the beautiful art style – with a unique blend of Comix Zone, Flashback and a dash of Blade Runner – the game looks amazing! Equally unique is the game type. Not being content with simply making…


Divinity: Original Sin Beta Hits Steam

Just under a year ago, Larian Studios kickstarted Divinity: Original Sin, an old-school isometric RGP to the tune of $944, 282. Today the 19,541 backers can get their clammy hands on the game for the first time as the beta goes live on Steam Early Access, hooray! If you’re coming late…


Review: Broken Age (Act I)

It says a lot about Double Fine and their following that even before its release, Broken Age quickly became one of the most influential titles of recent years. In much the same way as Minecraft birthed an entire generation of games sold in an incomplete state, but were developed (or…

Expansive Overview

Expansive Overview: Shadowrun Returns

You may remember Shadowrun from the 1989 tabletop role playing game or 1993 fantasy/sci-fi action RPG on the SNES, or even the 1994 follow up on the Sega Mega Drive. If so you will almost certainly be delighted to hear that Shadowrun is back after being Kickstarted to the tune of…


Ray’s Welsh Games Column: Banshee

Kickstarter has become a popular way to fund game development. Not only does it liberate developers in how they handle the micro-management of their games, it also allows freedom in design choice and potentially provides them with the budget needed for their game and thensome. It also allows riskier games…

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