
All the latest DLC News


Grid Autosport goes a bit TOCA

Codemasters latest and greatest race-em-up, GRID Autosport is coming soon and a rather spiffing video has today emerged, showing off the shiny Touring Car discipline. Not only that, but they have rolled out some real, honest to goodness Touring Car drivers to give you some pointers on what it take…


Bound by Flame 1.01 releases for PS4

Our As We Play for Bound By Flame exposed a few issues with the game’s technical competency, especially on Playstation 4. The game hiccups and throws up some hard-crashes in certain spots. We’ve even been made aware of an issue that caused a person’s save file to completely corrupt towards…


Ghost Recon Phantoms gets new(ish) map

Ubisoft are delighted that free-to-play multiplayer shoot-em-up Ghost Recon Phantoms is a hit; so delighted, in fact, they have decided to unleash an new(ish) map on its 200,00 daily active users. That’s right, from today Ghost Recon-ers can get their grubby mitts on The Subpen, redesigned from the original Balaklava…


Fairplay Do A MacGyver

Mullet fans everywhere may remember MacGyver was a hit television series in the 80’s and 90’s. It focused on the adventures of a laid-back, but extremely resourceful secret agent whose main asset was his practical application of scientific knowledge and ingenious use of whatever common items were at hand to…

Content Update

Expansive News of the Week #1

Missed out on some of the hard- hitting headlines of the week? Never fear, in this first episode of Expansive News of the Week, we give you a brief summary of the week’s biggest gaming news. With news on Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the controversy surrounding Nintendo’s views on…


We want you to write for Expansive

We’re all gamers. We’ve all seen incredible sights and heard amazing things. We’ve been sucked in by stories and left an emotional wreck when plots take unexpected twists and turns. We all know when a game feels right or plays well. We know what works about a game and what…

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