Minecraft X Tetris DLC crossover Out Now

A Tetris themed Minecraft DLC is out now across all formats.

This expansion is available for any world and gives players a Tetrimino generator that adds the familiar looking blocks into the game and causes them to fall from the sky.

You can then mine these blocks and get ‘Mino shards’ which let you create all new items and tools. The content will also add Tetrimonsters that you can fight, but even tame and be ridden by players. Mounts can also be crafted with the Tetrimino blocks you mine and these can ‘jump impressively high, and set sail at incredible speed’.

The Tetris themed DLC for Minecraft is out now across all formats.

About the author

Jay Jones

Jay is a massive football fan - Manchester Utd in case you were wondering - and lover of gaming. He'll play just about anything, but his vice is definitely Ultimate Team.
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