
Goat Simulator Gets Free DLC

Those fine folks at Coffee Stain Studios have today announced that there will be a new expansion to popular simulate-em-up Goat Simulator. Dubbed the Goat MMO simulator, the expansion appears to add a fantasy realm, sheep war and a microwave on legs… So a must play for die hard goat…


Europa Universalis IV – Art of War is Out Now

Those fine folks over at Paradox Interactive have released the latest and greatest expansion to the award-winning grand strategize-em-up Europa Universalis IV – Art of War. Dubbed the “largest expansion DLC in Paradox history” and features: – Revamped Papal election and curia system – Religious leagues in totally redone Reformation structure,…


Qora – As We Play

I’ll admit, when I was handed a copy of Qora to review by the gaming overlords here at Expansive Towers, I had never heard of it or its creator, first time game designer Holden Boyles. I took to the Internet to do a spot of pre-gaming reserach. Qora (or Spirit…

App Store

Mobile Apps we Recommend this November

With the stratospheric rise in the numbers of people choosing to purchase a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet, the market for the premier programmes that run on devices, apps, has similarly experienced a jump. There are apps for practically every person and activity nowadays, though due…

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