May 2, 2014


Kickers Corner – DieselStörmers

Over on the Kickstarter horizon, where you can give a wee bit of money to help make the next best thing a reality, is DieselStörmers.  Think action run’n’gun, Metal Slug meets Left 4 Dead meets Diablo sort of game.  It also looks as mad as a sack full of cats….


Is this goodbye, 3D?

The presence of fully-featured 3D in our entertainment circle is long and established. There’s an extensive library of 3D films at the cinema and 3D TVs are becoming more of a mainstay in homes. It’s a multi-million dollar business for films, with the IMAX environment becoming a more popular way…


Call of Duty – Advanced Warfare Trailer

The debut trailer for Activision’s latest Call of Duty game has been released this morning and it will be titled Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare; along with the release date, which has been set for the 4th November 2014. Set around the world of PMC’s (More on PMC’s here <<<), we see the…


New Mario Kart 8 features detailed

Unquestionably, there’s a lot riding on Mario Kart 8 as far as Nintendo are concerned. But the way the game is shaping up, they have plenty to be confident about. Come May 30th, the game will launch on Wii U and if you purchase and register it before July 31,…

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