Welcome back to ‘In Other News’ where we lift the most popular stories from our neighbouring websites.
So, sit back, relax and enjoy the goodness to come.
Stick Twiddlers
What new game are Bioware teasing?
It’s the big question of the moment, isn’t it? It’s not Dragon Age 3, we’ve got that to look forward to in November. And we already know that Mass Effect 4 is well on its way and even features the return of the Mako. Yay! So what ARE Bioware teasing us with? Well, with all the teasers and trailers releasing, the team at Stick Twiddlers look at the facts and give the best educated guess possible to try and figure it all out.
If you’re even in the least bit curious, we recommend checking this out
GGS Gamer
EA Access could be the big change in gaming
We reckon similar things to GGS Gamer, that EA Access could be the next big thing. If done right. Joseph Haygood goes into detail, explaining why he thinks Sony have got it wrong on this one and why this could be a major coup for Microsoft and Xbox One. We just may need to be a bit patient with it.
Take a read and see what you think.
God is a Geek
Bayonetta 2 Wii U GamePad functionality explained
Bayonetta 2 has suddenly become one of a few major Wii U releases this year, alongside Hyrule Warriors and Super Smash Brothers. Eagerly anticipated since the console’s launch, the exclusive game comes with a great deal of hype and anticipation.
But just how will it play on Nintendo’s unique gamepad? Lee Garbutt explains all on God is a Geek
The Average Gamer
Enter the Vapourware
And finally, The Average Gamer’s Mat Jones looks at Vapourware in its original form with two game releases he played at a Gamejam. The games are enter the VAPOURWAVE and Papsimanlet. He provides links and talks about these vapourware products are and what to expect from them.
Get involved with the Indie Rock right here
And that’s that. Now, we know Expansive is pretty awesome and THE place to find all kinds of cool stuff, but these four sites, in particular, produce daily, first-class content which we think you’ll love. So be sure to keep checking them out (when you’re not checking us out, of course!) and keep up with them and the work they do!
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