
As We Play

Zombie Army Trilogy – As We Play

World War 2 is a very well explored period in human history, but even the finest combs can miss minuscule details. Minuscule details like the world being set upon by the undead at the behest of a desperate Adolf Hitler. Zombie Army Trilogy (hereafter referred as ZAT) intends to explore this…

As We Play

Sunset Overdrive – As We Play

Format – Xbox One Version – 1.01 Sunset Overdrive kicks off an important winter for Microsoft. Along with the incoming Master Chief Collection, the hope is that these AAA exclusives can sell Xbox One consoles. Whilst I’m not convinced that Sunset Overdrive can do this on its own, it certainly…


Kickers Corner – DieselStörmers

Over on the Kickstarter horizon, where you can give a wee bit of money to help make the next best thing a reality, is DieselStörmers.  Think action run’n’gun, Metal Slug meets Left 4 Dead meets Diablo sort of game.  It also looks as mad as a sack full of cats….

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