Gigantosaurus The Game is cute and fun but there are caveats

So, admittedly, Gigantosaurus isn’t a show my kid normally watches.

They love Paw Patrol, PJ Masks, and even a little bit of Sesame St, but when I suggested we play Gigantosaurs The Game together, they were willing to give it a shot.

For the most part, they seemed to enjoy hanging out with Mazu, Rocky and the others. They even did an audible ‘WHOA’ when the Gigantosaurus graced the screen.

At first, they were a little stuck, wondering where to go and what to do – I’ve only introduced them to a few games so far – but the game’s Easy Mode quickly got us both on the right track. Essentially, a purple path is created so you always know where to go next.

The aim of the game is collecting dinosaur eggs and returning them to the nests. At the core level, it’s really basic stuff, but the game does throw in some interesting twists.

You can control one of four dinosaurs – or, like me, play local co-op and each plays a different dinosaur. Each dinosaur has a unique ability, so Tiny, for instance, is a triceratops and can bash down planks of wood to cross ravines, and Bill can climb along dangling vines on the wall.

As you might expect, each character is going to be useful at some point. Though, alternating between them using the R button and having to wait for each one to spawn is a little tedious. I really missed the seamless transitioning of the LEGO games.

The islands themselves are also fairly open-ended, so there’s no set path you have to take to collect eggs or solve the puzzles. It also means you can explore at your own pace, collecting many of the hidden seeds floating around which can then be used to grow plants.

You can also grab certain powerups to help navigate around, so you can actually hop on a log and roll around, bowling anyone over in your way. There’s hopping boots which make you feel a bit like Tigger, and there’s even a limited time Super Jump to help you get to higher heights.

For my kid, though, the highlight was the slides. They absolutely loved getting to the top of a mountain and then hurtling down the slide in rollercoaster fashion. That alone kept them entertained for a good twenty minutes.

But ultimately, the fetch quest nature of the game does get a little repetitive and my little one actually struggled with a few of the platforming sections which wasn’t helped by the often irritating camera angles.

The good news is that there’s also some neat kart racing sections that break up levels. These were pretty good fun as you’re essentially chasing Gigantosaurus through prehistoric settings while using Flintstones like cars, all while racing your friends.

It’s no Mario Kart, of course, and weirdly the steering is both too freeing and restrictive at the same time. I know that sounds odd, but most of the time I felt like I was either going to crash into something because I overcompensate or I’m not pulling fast enough.

The visuals also leave a lot to be desired. From what I can tell, Gigantosaurus has this unique, almost stop-motion animation style which is really quite striking, but you’d be hard-pressed to tell that from the game’s sketchy graphics which often-times look early last-gen.

All that said, we had fun playing Gigantosaurus The Game, especially with the sliding and karting. Fans of the show will love catching up with the gang, listening to the cute rhymes, and exploring the worlds it has to offer. That fun does come with some caveats, though.

Gigantosarus: The Game is now available on all formats

Tested on Nintendo Switch (undocked)

Review Code Provided by the Publisher

About the author

Sally Willington

Sally is relatively new to gaming since a newfound addiction to Nintendo Switch. Now they just can't stop playing, anything and everything. Sally especially loves a good RPG and thinks that Yuna may just be one of her favourite characters ever.
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