As We Play

Fallout 4 – Expanalysis

This article gives our impressions on the Xbox One Version of Fallout 4. Based on the most recent patch as of December 9th 2015 The sky has turned a menacing shade of green and a nuclear storm has started to bear down on me. I should be looking for cover, but…

As We Play

Outlast Whistleblower: As We Play

Format – PS4 Version 1.01 Shh…Can you hear that? Better not blow that whistle just yet…The hunt is on once more! Yes, Red Barrel Studios have graced us with another installment in the pants-wetting, heart pounding terror-fest known as Outlast. Once more you’re placed into the creepy asylum filled with…


More Dead Rising 3 DLC is out now. It has a crazy name.

Another surprise announcement and one we’re a bit confounded by. A new Dead Rising 3 DLC has released today. SuperUltraDeadRising3ArcadeRemixHyperEditionEXPlusAlpha (yes that is REALLY its name) is out right now. It seems like the ultimate spoof-em-off, with Capcom actually releasing something that lets you play Dead Rising characters, old and new,…


June 2014 DLC Release Schedule

June is all about the E3 hype-train. Expectedly, the game releases have slowed down considerably, and those that are releasing are not seeing a great amount of content. At least, not right away. Most have pre-order incentives, such as the Bruce Lee character for UFC and Wildstar’s Deluxe Edition extras….

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